85. The Reporters

I had gone from being so loved to being hated. World wide. Life had led me to this. I finally arrived home to a lawn full of reporters. With the help of my husband and a few friends waiting for me, they managed to get me into the house safely. The reporters wanted a story and I could not give it to them. I wanted to stand up and shout out all the betrayal that was happening and tell my story but my lawyers made it clear that I was not to speak. I could not understand that I was innocent and why could I not explain it? I needed to calm my mind but that was not happening. I decided to take a nice hot bath and try to regain some senses. That was not going to happen. I was shaky and mind fried. A feeling I remembered after every time I had been raped. It was too familiar of a feeling. This time, it felt like my brain had been raped from all sanity. Over the next few days, my paranoia had really set in. My son’s birthday was upon us and the reporters finally left our property. My husband helped me make a plan to get me to see our doctor. Hard to believe that it was the most difficult thing to do. Leave the house? Drive in a car? It felt like everyone was staring at me. The doctor prescribed potent depression and anxiety medications including one called seroquel. A medication used for patients in the mental ward. 300 milligrams he thought, was suffice. That was a whole new kind of brain fried. Honestly, I was so out of it, day and night, sometimes I found it difficult to even remember my name or the names of my kids. Thankfully, I had a loving family with all kinds of support and help. My eldest sister worked for me by coming to my home in the early morning, getting my kids up and ready for school and taking care of me and our home. She would then pick the kids up after school, cook us dinner, bake a fresh dessert and when my husband came home, she would leave. I was missing out on my family. My children. I couldn’t help it. I was definitely not much of a mother or a wife at all. I could not sleep in my bed. I would sleep on a recliner in the family room. I was too scared to sleep. Everytime the door bell or the phone rang I thought it was police coming to take me again. I envisioned the worst of every situation. Unfortunately, my paranoia did not get much better over time, but worse.
My husband began dealing with this mess at work. His boss having all kinds of questions for him. Our extended family in no contact whatsoever and then the most devastating of them all? My kids and school. They would come home from being teased and constantly picked on for having a so called “thief ” as their mom. The kids would bring the newspapers to school and taunt my kids with them. It got so bad that my son started taking up his own version of paranoia. He thought everyone was looking at him! Everytime he had to ride in the car he would scootch down in hopes to not be seen. The reporters were having a field day with the story reporting everything wrong and untrue. Still to this day, I refuse to read the papers or listen to the news because if reporters were capable of lying about my story, what about the other stories on the go? The point of views and false statements just to make a story or a headline were amazingly far off and so wrong. I could do nothing about it anyways. I was not allowed to speak. My sons birthday had arrived and 3 of the 10 kids invited showed up. I was still a mess but worked very, extremely hard, to put on the smile and be as normal as I possibly could. A magician arrived taking over the show. Cake, presents and then it was time for the kids to go. My husband made sure the kids were taken to the door to greet the parents picking then up. I went up to my room. Tears would not stop. I didn’t want my kids to see. I don’t even remember buying him a gift from us. So much of my life during that time had been a blur. The medications made sure of that.
I was so angry inside. We have a long list of super jealous relatives and out of them all, only 3 stuck around. The rest were probably I’m their glory at my take down. It became a family war. Who believed my lying cousin and who believed me? I could not believe that ANY of them would think I could do such a thing. The worst part is that my cousin had a history of all of this. She WAS a thief. She was not able to hold a job without quitting or getting fired. She had stolen thousands of dollars from her jobs and even her own parents, yet they believed her because of the media. All of them assholes. The only great gift that came from all of it was the split of the relatives. They were so superficial, insensitive and huge gossip types anyways. Everyone always talking behind someone’s back about someone else. They love you when they see you but just wait….turn your back and you are crap. We always had to put on a smiley face at a show at gatherings. That had finally stopped! In a way, I could say it was the best way to finally break that ridiculous tie of guests. I had been stamped in everyone mind and it would only take some kind of miracle to gain any of that back. From many, I didn’t really care and for those who knew and loved me knowing all of this bullshit was untrue, I truly appreciated.
Having my name all over the internet didn’t help matters whatsoever. The broadcasts on television finally stopped but the internet lived on. I had to change my name and use my nickname just to get by. I was unable to open a bank account or assume any credit whatsoever as well making things more difficult. I was not even able to get a job. Society had stamped me this ruthless fraud thief and it crushed me. I was nothing like the way they were talking about me and describing me. When ever I had a court date in hopes to tell my side of the story, it was get delayed so I had to wait further in silence. The torture to not be able to speak was unimaginable.
I had so much evidence to put my cousin and Kuma away for a very long time for what they did. To get some sort of closure and turn the tables on who created and started this.
Some sort of reprisal or retribution. Save my name. Let the people know about the false media reports and how awfully they deliver the news. It’s never about facts or two sides to a story, it’s about a story to gain viewers. Sad when there is a life on the line but the media has NO regard.
I finally came across one reporter that had contacted me and confided in me. She was very sweet but I still had my guard up not knowing why she wanted to confide with me. We met and she had explained to me that she had reported a similar situation and another with her own family. She understood. She also explained to me that she knew something was weird about this whole story. It made no sense to her. Myself, as the president of a non for profit. If I had the badness or fraudster ways of taking advantage of people, many many people would have come forward and tell the public how I took advantage of them as well. She went on to explain that I was in a business, where it was very very easy to take advantage of many people. Some having so much money and some willing to do anything and get the money I would have asked them for to save their paperwork and live in Canada. She knew that we had assisted over 9000 clients with 100% achievement on our outcomes. Why just this one? Why just this Japanese Kuma lady? She was by far NOT the wealthiest, smartest or dumbest person.
My heart finally felt a small sigh of relief. Someone, other than my friends and family, was on my side. As per lawyers orders, I could still not tell her of much but I did tell her that I had all the evidence I needed to prove my innocence and put 3 or 4 people away for perjury. I could not wait to see that happen.
I contacted the lawyers and asked if I could speak to this one reporter and they made it clear. NO
I explained to the reporter that it was not possible and I had to follow lawyers orders. She completely understood and said she will stick by for the cue as to when she can blow this up in my favor. She also said, out of anger to the purgerers, that she was going to do a segment on my cousin! I couldn’t wait. Her plan was to turn on the cameras and knock her door. Ask her what she got out of stealing and lying. Ask her about the bailiffs that ransacked her home and found all my evidence that she secretly stole and hid. Of course? No answer. She was home but wouldn’t open the door. The reporter aired the segment anyways. On my birthday. It was a great gift. Finally a report with truths and it had the people actually thinking. Perhaps there are two sides to every story.

Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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