87. The Lottery

A few weeks had past as I anxiously awaited for word of a court date. Time was going by so slow. I thought I would get my day pretty quickly but that was not the case. The lawyer had no problem continuously charging for every question or concern I had. Yes…I had lots. I was a mess. We were all eating, sleeping and living what had happened. The stress and anxiety was pretty maxed out.

It was a saturday night. My mother was telling us she wanted to check her lottery tickets so before coming over to visit us like they did several times a week, they decided to go and electronically check her lotto tickets. She said she felt lucky. I remember receiving a phone call with my sister screaming. She said that my mother checked her tickets and thought she had won ten thousand dollars but then, she took a look at the zeros and it was one hundred thousand dollars! Wow, ever since my eldest sister won the million dollars in the cash and cars lottery for cancer years back, it was happening again? What timing! We had been struggling quite a bit with all that was happening to the family. What a blessing it was! My husband and I drove our mother out to St. Albert where we had to go to claim the ticket. It was an exciting process to go through. Security levels were high.

They ask you numerous questions about when, where and how you bought the winning ticket to assure you are the owner of it. People in the waiting room were there collecting all kinds of denominations of money. One gentleman was claiming two million dollars. It was such an exciting experience and yes, took our minds off the hell we were going through. I believe the win was sent from up above to assist us in the major financial struggles we were going through. A week later, we received the lotto check.

My mother helped us out greatly paying the lawyers bills and catching us up with some terrible messes we were in because of the courts. Some looming loans were paid off and for a change, we felt a little relief from the financial burdens we had been enduring. The way my life was leading, the rollercoaster ride I had been on for so long was now at an all time high. I was still unable to go out in public or be around anyone in the public eye. My fear was still there. Money, no matter how much, doesnt take that away or make it better. We could not go out and celebrate so we just simply ordered in. I was beginning to feel claustrophobic from being in the house so much. Marcus had taken me out for little drives at night so I could feel the wind in my hair. Smell the fresh air. I felt captive by the public.

The way my life had been going, it seemed as though with greatness or happiness, something bad had to always follow. It seemed as though I was not allowed to be happy. Like God and his Angel’s would give me a taste of happiness then take it away abruptly with something horrific or terrible. Unbelievable or downright overwhelmingly awful. I waited to see what it was going to be and braced myself. My family laughed at me thinking I was just sending bad vibes out and to stop it! I never truly listened to my gut but after what I had gone through, I learned in self discovery that my gut was bang on. I needed to listen to it, even when I really really didn’t want to.

A week later, October 8th 2012, we woke up to a phone call that my husbands father had passed away in Alabama.

Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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