19. The Day Draws Near

Over the following few days, I managed to contact an events company. I told them I was playing a prank on some friends and needed their assistance on pulling it off. I told them I needed five look a-likes. I needed five men that were older in age and looked like they could be members of a band. I was only sixteen at the time and didn’t even have a driver’s license yet everyone took me seriously. I was very mature for my age. I never really got to experience much of a childhood and was forced to grow up rather quickly. I was never asked for I.D in my entire life. Even today. I was getting smarter though. It kind of scared me how naturally I could convince people to help me get what I needed. I never in my life did anything bad towards anyone. On the contrary, I spoiled everyone around me and did everything for them. Bought them whatever they wanted. Paid for everything all the time. I would never hurt anyone with a lie. My lies were never intended to hurt a single soul. I couldn’t live with myself if it did. I was only trying to make it through school without getting bullied and make it through life without getting raped. If at any point what I was doing was going to hurt someone, I would have done it differently or come up with another way. For now, all I know is everyone loved me. Unfortunately it was not for me but for whom they thought I was or was going to be. They simply used me, to tease and torture me, so I simply used them to make it through high school unscathed. Boy, was it ever working.

The events company had found five look a-likes for me. For two hours of their time, I would have to pay $1000.00. Hire a bodyguard, $250. Hire a limousine, $400.00 with a tip of $100.00. We arranged for the next day, a Monday at lunch hour, where we were going to meet and gather to head for the school. By the weekend, I had told about 20 people and no teachers of the band’s arrival. It was nobody’s business. The meeting was going to happen at lunch hour anyways and not on the schools property but on the other side of the street. All I cared about was to prove my lie to at least 20 people that were bothering me the most and beginning to question if this whole thing with the band Chicago was a lie. I couldn’t wait to prove them wrong. I couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when we pull up. I also couldn’t sleep at all that night. My anxiety was through the roof. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. I prayed it would all get pulled off without a hitch. There would be no problems and all would go smoothly. I was so nervous. This was a good nervous though. I should say I was excited. I think it was a sign of good to come because my father never came to me that night either. I didn’t have to worry about that. I focused on my music the rest of the night then began to get ready at five am for this big day. No sleep whatsoever. I was good with that. Wired to the nines. Got in the car with my sister and she dropped me off at school. She did every morning. I was never allowed to take the city transit. I’ve never been on a bus or a train. Either relatives, family or friends would pick me up or drop me off for school. Since a limousine was taking me home, my family always thought it was a friend of the family going that way home. Luckily my parents and her never discussed it or I would have been busted! I was getting so risky in my older age. <insert wink>

Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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