18. They Just Had To Have A Concert Here!

The day was to finally arrive. I was notified by a friend upon arriving to school one morning. “Did you hear”? “Why didn’t you tell us”? ” Chicago is coming here to our city”!! I had to act quick! I had to agree with them when I had no idea what was going on! In my heart I was terrified! How was I suppose to deal with this one? As the morning progressed, students started coming up to me so excited saying they were going to see me on stage playing with the band! My heart sank. How was I going to pull this one off? More and more students were approaching me through out the day telling me I was lucky to be a part of the band and they were excited for me. Like I can take any more stress right now. Just my luck. Could they not play a concert anywhere else in this country? Nope, right in my city. In one week. All the money in the world would not get me out of this one. What was I suppose to do? I had been lying for over a year about training to be a member of a famous band eventually. The band didn’t even know I existed. Naturally, the band members, my good old bosom buddy pals, would give me back stage passes and introduce me to the world on stage right? I left early that afternoon telling the school I was not well. Panicking and sweating over how I was to get out of this one. I got home, turned on my music and sat there thinking. Thinking. Thinking about what to do. I went upstairs, had dinner and then back to deep thought. I could not go to school until I had a plan in place. Close to midnight, it came to me. It finally came to me and it was perfect! I fell asleep at five am thinking about what I was going to do. Woke up at six am for school and ready to tackle this huge milestone! I arrived at school about a half hour early all geared up to tackle this one head on. Wow the buzz was in the air anyways. What if I hadn’t thought of a brilliant plan? Oh dear god, what would have happened? Luckily, as I added excitement to my lavish story I began to explain it to the 18 students standing before me. This is how I remember it going. Something like this. ” You guys aren’t going to believe this! The band feels really bad that I am unable to bring friends backstage. They must leave those tickets open to charities and radio contest winners. Also, the band is not going to be introducing me until it’s time for me to take over eventually. Now will not be the time my friends. I do have some good news however. As I cannot get you tickets or introduce you to the band at the event sight, they have told me that they will come here to my school and meet all the 500 students and staff in person”!

Everyone was ecstatic. They were so excited and screaming, clapping and hugging me. They took me to the drama room to play “Your The Inspiration & Hard Habit To Break” for them on the piano. I played and sang my heart out. Back up vocals of course. Thankfully I was also blessed with a voice that could harmonize and sing almost anything. I had made it through the day. Now I only had one small problem. I had to figure out how to get the band to show up at my high school within one week. Honestly, the least of my problems. The impossible was being done already so why not make it more difficult?



Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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