72. The Tsunami To Hit Japan 2011

The devastation was unbelievable. After people had suffered the effects of the Tsunami, they had to deal with radiation. My Japanese client and friend has many friends back home that went missing. She had been unable to reach them by phone or by email. All our inquiries and my attempts to help her came up with nothing. She was saddened by this. I will call her Kuma. Having hated her only sister growing up, she told me she never wanted anything to so with her. Her sister was a terrible person. At one point, Kuma told me that she had wished harm on her sister and was afraid of the karma that would give her. She said that in Japan, when you wish I’ll on someone, it comes back to you. In one of her visits at the office she told me that she was suffering from a tumor behind her heart. She said the only reason she has the tumor was from her ill wishes upon her sister. She had refused to have surgery in Canada. Kuma told me she would only have the tumor taken out in Japan but was too afraid to go home. We went out for dinner together one evening, all I knew of Japanese food was Edo Japan in Canada and she told me that was terrible and not even close!  She took me to a special restaurant that she said was pretty good. It was! We sat together chatting the entire evening away. Towards the end of our conversation, she asked me a favor. She told me that she trusted and knew no one on the world. Kumas daughter would be alone in the world if anything was to ever happen to her. She asked and entrusted in me to sign papers to be the guardian of her daughter. She wanted Marcus and I to take her daughter as one of our own if she died from her tumor. It was a heartfelt conversation and I was so honored to be asked such a thing. I told her of course! Almost immediately, she stood up from her side of the table and gave me a huge hug with tears in her eyes. I told her not to worry about anything. She would be just fine and have no problems raising her daughter. If I was needed, I would always be there for her. Each day, we became closer. Her stories would blow my mind of what she had to go through to escape her highly prestigious gangster boyfriend. A well known man throughout Japan that had done many bad things. She would travel from country to country looking for where to call home while trying to stash millions of dollars on her persons. She believed that banks would be able to trace her if her boyfriend asked. He had many connections. Kuma said she would stuff money in her babies carrier and in her luggage. Within her clothes while opening accounts all over the world in her daughters name. Kuma was very clever when it came to hiding cash until she managed to land in Canada. When in Canada, she told me she trusted the banks here and would open accounts with three or four of them. While keeping her over seas accounts as well. On another conversation eating dinner with my entire family, at Japanese Village, she told me she was having a problem with her sister calling her all the time. Her sister wanted to come visit her in Canada. She flipped! When I asked her what was so wrong, she said that she owned her rental property and her own home she lived in. If her sister knew about the homes she would manage to take them from her. That is what her sister always did best. When we left the restaurant, we drove her home and talked more. She said the home she lived in had no balconies and was built on a cliff. Her patio door was a drop way down. She then mentioned that she was scared from her rental property. Kuma had hired a property manager to manage her property for her. The property was so new that it had no landscaping.  The renters had little kids and it was dangerous for them to play outside. No fence with dangerous edges and mud everywhere due to no grass. The property manager was so frustrated with her because of her English barrier. He refuses to work with her anymore. He demanded the property be fixed as he was sick of the renters complaints. Kuma didn’t know what to do. I told her I could help her in whatever way she wanted but kept running into road blocks because I was not the property owner and she had to always be there to give permission to me. When she attempted to fix the home issues and landscaping, she hired a Japanese construction crew to first develop the basement. From the very beginning they charged her thirty thousand dollars for the job and demanded it be paid up front. So she did. Within the first week, the company hired managed to break the main homes foundation bar in the basement causing the upper bonus room ceiling to begin to crack. Kuma was terrified. If anything happened to anyone in that home, they could sue her as the landlord. Kuma then told me she had met a Korean man and his family whom were nice and friendly to her always. He owned a Dairy Queen and a construction company.  He said he would help her with the balconies by building them for her. When he came over with his wife to see the house, Kuma told me she did not like the wife. She had a bad feeling about her.  This woman would always look around with a jealous face and sometimes rolled her eyes at Kuma when she spoke. The husband was very sweet she said. Kuma told me she had something scary to tell me to go along with everything else bad that was happening to her now. Kuma told me that the Korean man she had only known for three weeks, asked her for money. He had asked her for a two hundred thousand dollar loan and she agreed!! No papers! He promised to pay it back within the year. That seemed crazy to me! I was shocked! I asked her how she could entrust someone like that so quickly to give them such a large sum of money? She told me she couldn’t say no. I was dumbfounded. First the thirty thousand dollar construction scam then a two hundred thousand dollar loan on a promise? She had given him a money order. It was already cashed. Kuma had come to the office the next day to invite myself and a few other staff over for dinner with our families. Myself and Lydia, the client liaison whom helped drive Kuma around accepted. By the Saturday night dinner invite, our son was sick and our daughter was addicted to a video game not wanting to leave. My husband decided to just stay home with them so I went alone. When I arrived at Kumas home, she informed me that Lydia had also canceled. She was having issues with her youngest daughter and couldn’t make it so she canceled via text just before I arrived. It was just to be myself and Kuma with her daughter for the evening. What was to happen that night and the following morning would change my life forever.

Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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