81. SEIZED!!

I never thought the day would come that I would finally feel a little satisfaction in all the hell and pain I had been put through so far in this unraveling. The day came when the seizure of Serena’s home content having to do with my two corporations was finally here. My husband and I, whom were told not to be present, just couldn’t help being curious so in a parked car down the street, we watched as the bailiffs entered her home forcefully. Serena was not home at the time. I would have loved to watch the horror on her face when they forced their way in making her sit outside and wait. Luckily for her, she was probably out doing some sickened event of hiding or storing her stolen belongings. We waited in the car for hours. Then finally, we saw them coming out one by one with boxes. Placing them in their unit and re-entering the home. This went on for another hour. Box by box. Serena undoubtedly had stolen many items belonging to the companies for them to have seized that much. My husband and I were so grateful and excited! I could not wait to go through the boxes and see all she had stolen. We left the site before being discovered, went home and patiently waited for the bailiffs to call us with their discoveries. A few hours later, the call came. Our chief bailiff gave us his address and informed us that they had seized quite a few boxes and items from Serena’s home belonging to me. We were told we could come by in the late afternoon to view them. It seemed like forever and the clock seemed to be on a standstill. It just wasn’t moving. Finally! It was time. We drove downtown and parked. As we entered the bailiffs storage unit, they informed us that they had spent almost five hours copying everything they found. They would retain their copy of evidence as long as we needed them too. This was done for two reasons. First, we would not be able to embellish or shred any evidence taken from her home. This was a great idea as she would stoop that low to say we did certain things to the documents. Secondly, if we lost any of our evidence, they would have a copy of it all. Great idea! Marcus and I entered the storage unit where the seized items were placed. I was horrified. How was she able to steal this much? How did no staff member notice? What was her intentions, her goal? Ninety percent of my caregiver/ nanny files were there with employer files. All confidential! She had no right taking them out of the office. One box only, of receipts was recovered.

Through the grapevine, I learned she had destroyed all the receipts and threatened a staff member to delete all accounting files on the computer including email messages before she left. The bailiffs had found some banking statements near liquid paper and in the photocopier. She was up to something with altering their numbers. I would not be able to see what that was exactly until we received all the original statements from the bank. Low and behold….a red file folder was pulled from a box.  Kumas file. My evidence!! Serena had stolen it and took it home. Unfortunately, I was then told from another staff member that she was caught taking it a few months back and was watched as she took papers out of it and shredded it in the supply room before taking the entire file of what was left, home. One of the most important documents was the original package that Kuma was doing with us for Humanitarian & Compassionate. Kuma told the police I made her do a study permit in which she was to hide all her money with me from the government, which was a lie. I told her to do the humanitarian compassionate proving how much money she had for greater success. I now had the evidence! That is why Serena stole the file. She tried to cover up her tracks but she missed a few, thankfully. I could still not piece together why Kuma had to lie. Why was Serena stealing files and covering so many things up. What did Serena and Kuma have to do with each other?

More web and puzzle pieces. We dug through more stuff and found an external hard drive. It went missing from my office after she left originally. The bailiffs pulled up some of the content and it showed Serena sending all my original templates for both corporations to Owen. All our secured private files and information regarding the corporations to Owen. That was all making sense. We discovered that Owen, Leann and Serena were devising a take down to get rid of me and open another business using my corporations documents and everything. They had all signed disclosures in which the bailiffs also seized from Serena. Those files of the signed disclosures went missing right when Serena left. If I couldn’t prove they signed them, they could move on to open any business they wanted to exactly to mine. Stunningly, the bailiffs also seized the new businesses information and documents. The trio had already been in the works of opening up this new company! Completely mimicking mine! We went onto the internet and sure enough! There is was. A new company called “The Help”. I’ll be damned! They completely copied everything I had worked on for so long. They thought stealing the disclosure signed papers I had would mean I was helpless in going after them. Ha! There they were, in my hands. Not surprisingly, a few days after the seizure, the companies website was taken down and the business diminished fast. It was noted that the business was up and running the day after she left my office. Sneaky hey? We managed to get all the boxes including all the strong evidence ones back to the office. We locked them into the first office, I took the mandatory “red file” that was to save my life with me and we drove it straight to my lawyers office for safe keeping.

Over the next few days, I imagined how sweet it would have been to be there to see her face when she got home that day. Her home ransacked and shambled with papers everywhere. They explained to me what had to be done and the more they spoke, the happier I felt. One officer took me to the side and chuckled. He said upon going through her bedroom closet, he found quite a large treasure chest full of sexual toys he had never ever seen before. It was full! Things that would terrorize him and look at foreplay in a whole new way. He said he had to empty the chest to look for possible hidden evidence underneath. Lastly, he chuckled even more explaining to me that bailiffs are not expected to put things back in order! Could you imagine her surprise when she went up to her room? Oh my, that was funny. I still laugh about that today. Veronica, one of her assistants and one of my staff went through the entire seized boxes making more copies of everything and labeling all the evidence. The evidence checklist took up four binders. It was all finally done so we called the same policeman that demanded everything be given to him on a silver platter. He never returned our call. A few days later, we all arrived at work at a similar time and one by one, started to notice weird things around us like white stuff all over the carpet in the lobby, a staff members back door in her office that led out to the elevator, unbolted. The handle was locked but the bolt wasn’t. That was strange. It was a busy morning so we had no time to really think about it and went on with the days plans. Veronica came into my office saying she needed to use the hard drive to compare her notes to the ones Serena secretly listed. Gone! It was not where I had placed it. Staff members began coming out of their offices inquiring about why that was covered in white dust and why this was moved and so on. Within seconds, it donged on all of us together. We had been robbed. Unbelievable! We all looked shocked but after the initial hit, everyone knew exactly who it was and she didn’t do a great job hiding it this time. After all of us began putting our heads together over how she achieved to break and enter into the office, it was simple minded for her. Serena had managed to go up a ladder through our front locked double doors drop ceiling. She moved the ceiling boards to go over the locked doors and into the office. Upon her madness of stealing back most of what the bailiffs retrieved, she left through the side door locking only the bottom handle to exit. Leaving behind the debris of white dust from the ceilings everywhere. My assistant told me a story about while I was gone on holidays. Canada Revenue Agency was coming to speak to us about our payroll taxes not being paid. Serena knew she couldn’t keep hiding her secrets and lies she was continually devising so she panicked. Upon CRA’s arrival that day, the story was told to me that Serena began standing on her desk in a haste, moving the drop ceiling boards and hiding boxes in the rafters. My Staff, at the time, was puzzled about her madness and only now, did they see why she was hiding it. If I was such a bad person and president refusing to pay, why wouldn’t Serena prove my apparent guilt right then and there when they were coming. What a perfect opportunity to tell on me! Of course with her devising her scandal, hiding it all would protect her from committing fraud. At this point, Serena began telling family members it was not her that broke in. She said she had an alibi that she was in Edmonton over the weekend so it could not have been her. Funny thing, we were told a security guard saw her pull up in a large van. A passenger which was described as her girlfriend, waited in the car. It was eleven thirty at night. Thank goodness for our witness.  Serena stood firm with her alibi story for a few days. I knew she would have a breaking point. We tempted to bait her with a mutual friend whom still spoke with her. One evening they had gone out to their talking space in the country.  It was then, when our friend told her about a security guard witnessing her, that she confessed. Serena said she was there but didn’t steal anything. She was just curious how things looked from the glass doors. My ass. That had to be the lamest excuse. You show up at the office just before midnight with your girlfriend in your step dads big white van just to check out what the office looks like? Bullshit. I had her. As soon as she was told we had a witness, her whole story changed. Thankfully of all the items she had stolen once again, the files that were important were not there and saved in a special place away from the office. What nerve. When we reported the break and enter with witnesses, the police still did not respond right away. They kept telling us they were coming but never came. Again, strange. More pieces of the puzzle I had to put together. I later learned that her step dad had many friends through his brother with local RCMP and police. No wonder. Slowly slowly, I began to realize that every question I so desperately had unveiling this web, had a simplified answer. I just had to be patient, wait and search for it. It would soon come. I just had to take a deep breath. The answer would unravel before me, eventually.

Author: theangelsforgotme

I will be posting whenever I can, until the story is where I am today. I hope this recorded journey helps at least one person overcome their fears. Please scroll down to the beginning. How it all began. This is my story...

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